
Reaction score
Tools required for carding WU:

  1. Buy High Quality USA Fullz
  2. Purchase aged WU account to attach to.
  3. 911 vpn or socks 5

The first transfer will be for test. Click send money select the amount not more than $ 20. Send this amount to any name in USA. If everything is done correctly, the payment was successfully sent.
Then we send the payment to the country we need, our person or the exchange office. Send $ 200-500 no more.
After 24 hours you can try to send 1 more transaction. Do not delete the cookie. If the card works then everything will go well. In working with western union, a lot depends on the pure IP and quality CC. I recommend using USA FULLZ. Good luck in business! I'm sure you will succeed!

Cash from CC using Western Union
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Call fowarding service
Esto es algo que necesitará porque el servicio de falsificación de teléfonos bloquea 1800 números o cualquier número de teléfono gratuito. Solo puede marcar números de 10 dígitos con falsificadores telefónicos, por lo que debe obtener un servicio de reenvío de llamadas para que cuando llame al número de 10 dígitos del servicio de reenvío de llamadas, se desvíe a Western Union.

Servicio telefónico por Internet
Si se encuentra en Europa, esto es imprescindible porque le costará demasiado usar el servicio de falsificación y envío de llamadas y tampoco es rastreable. Yo personalmente uso mi teléfono celular prepago pero estoy ubicado en los EE. UU.

Una vez que haya configurado todas esas cosas, lo primero que debe hacer es asegurarse de que la transmisión de llamadas funcione y el spoofer funcione y obtenga el número que ingresó para el identificador de llamadas. Cuando finalmente tenga todo configurado y haya configurado su verificación de antecedentes, vaya a y realice la transferencia. Después de realizar la transferencia, lo más probable es que diga algo que afecte "Transferencia en espera, llame a Western Union para confirmar" o algo por el estilo y los llame con el identificador de llamadas / spoofer y llame al servicio de envío de llamadas. Los n00b a esto pueden tener algunos problemas y es posible que no pueda lograrlo las primeras 10-15 veces, pero lo dominará como lo hice yo. He hecho alrededor de 13 transferencias y solo tal vez 6 fueron a recoger. Otra cosa que debe obtener es una identificación falsa porque será la única forma de vincular al estafador en una investigación. Si tiene una identificación falsa y la usa para recoger dinero, lo más probable es que no lo atrapen o será muy difícil rastrearlo.

Recuerde que es posible que no tenga éxito las primeras veces, pero siga intentándolo y cuando obtenga una transferencia exitosa, estará realmente feliz. Algunas cosas que me gustaría señalar es que primero verifique y asegúrese de que la tarjeta que va a usar sea válida, yo personalmente uso yahoo wallet para verificar el cc incluso antes de pensar en usarlo. Además, para obtener el servicio de suplantación de identidad para el identificador de llamadas / cambiador de voz, uso y para el servicio de envío de llamadas que utilizo es

método de cardado cardado Western Union cardado westernunion cc cardado cc de retiro de sistemas de pago sistemas de pago de cardado unión occidental cardado unión occidental


Reaction score
Tools required for carding WU:

  1. Buy High Quality USA Fullz
  2. Purchase aged WU account to attach to.
  3. 911 vpn or socks 5

The first transfer will be for test. Click send money select the amount not more than $ 20. Send this amount to any name in USA. If everything is done correctly, the payment was successfully sent.
Then we send the payment to the country we need, our person or the exchange office. Send $ 200-500 no more.
After 24 hours you can try to send 1 more transaction. Do not delete the cookie. If the card works then everything will go well. In working with western union, a lot depends on the pure IP and quality CC. I recommend using USA FULLZ. Good luck in business! I'm sure you will succeed!

Cash from CC using Western Union
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Call fowarding service
This is something you will need because the phone spoofing service blocks 1800 numbers or any toll free phone number. You can only dial 10 digit numbers with phone spoofers so you have to get a call fowarding service so when you call the 10 digit number from the call forwarding service it will foward to western union.

Internet phone service
If you are located in europe this is a must because it will cost you too much to use the spoofer and call fowarding service and it is also not traceable. I personally use my pre-paid cell phone but i'm located in the USA.

After you have got that stuff all set up the first thing you need to do is make sure the call fowarding works and the spoofer works and comes up with whatever number you put in for the caller id. When you finally have that all set upand you have your background check all set up then you go to and make the transfer. After you make the transfer it will most likely say something to the affect "Transfer on hold, Please call Western Union to confirm" or something to that effect and you call them up with the caller id/spoofer and call fowarding service. n00b's to this may have some problems and might not be able to pull this off the first 10-15 times but you will get the hang of it like I did. I have done about 13 transfers and only had maybe 6 actually go though for pickup. Another thing you should get is a fake id because that will be the only way to link back to the fraudster in an investication. If you have a fake id and use itto pickup money you will most likely not get caught or it will be very hard to track you down.

Remember that you may not be successful your first few times but keep trying and when you do get a successful transfer you will be really happy. Some things I would like to point out is that first check and make sure the card your going to use is valid, I personally use yahoo wallet to verify the cc before I even think of using it. Also, to get spoofing service for caller id/voice changer I use and for the call fowarding service I use is

carding method carding western union carding westernunion cc carding cc cashout payment systems payment systems carding western union western union carding


Reaction score
Инструменты, необходимые для кардочесания ВУ:

  1. Купить высокое качество USA Fullz
  2. Купите устаревшую учетную запись WU, чтобы прикрепить к ней.
  3. 911 впн или носки 5

Первый перевод будет тестовым. Нажмите «Отправить деньги» и выберите сумму не более 20 долларов. Отправьте эту сумму на любое имя в США. Если все сделано правильно, платеж успешно отправлен.
Затем мы отправляем платеж в нужную нам страну, к себе или в обменный пункт. Отправляйте 200-500 долларов не больше.
Через 24 часа вы можете попробовать отправить еще 1 транзакцию. Не удаляйте куки. Если карта работает, значит, все будет хорошо. В работе с western union очень многое зависит от чистого IP и качественного CC. Я рекомендую использовать USA FULLZ. Удачи в делах! Уверен, у вас все получится!

Наличные с КК через Western Union
* Скрытый текст: нельзя цитировать. *

Позвоните в службу переадресации
Это то, что вам нужно, потому что служба спуфинга телефона блокирует 1800 номеров или любой бесплатный номер телефона. Вы можете набирать только 10-значные номера с помощью телефонных спуферов, поэтому вы должны получить услугу переадресации вызовов, поэтому, когда вы набираете 10-значный номер из службы переадресации вызовов, он будет перенаправлен на Western Union.

Если вы находитесь в Европе, это необходимо, поскольку использование спуфера и службы переадресации вызовов обойдется вам слишком дорого, а также невозможно отследить. Я лично пользуюсь сотовым телефоном с предоплатой, но я нахожусь в США.

После того, как вы все настроили, первое, что вам нужно сделать, это убедиться, что переадресация вызовов работает, а спуфер работает и приходит с любым номером, который вы ввели для идентификатора вызывающего абонента. Когда у вас, наконец, все настроено и у вас все настроено, вы переходите на и делаете перевод. После того, как вы сделаете перевод, он, скорее всего, скажет что-то о влиянии «Перевод на удержание, пожалуйста, позвоните в Western Union для подтверждения» или что-то в этом роде, и вы позвоните им с идентификатором вызывающего абонента / спуфером и вызовете службу перенаправления. n00b может иметь некоторые проблемы и, возможно, не сможет выполнить это первые 10-15 раз, но вы научитесь этому, как и я. Я сделал около 13 трансферов, а на самом деле у меня было только 6 трансферов. Еще одна вещь, которую вы должны получить, - это поддельный идентификатор, потому что это будет единственный способ вернуться к мошеннику при инвестировании. Если у вас есть поддельный идентификатор и вы используете его для получения денег, вас, скорее всего, не поймают или вас будет очень сложно выследить.

Помните, что первые несколько раз вы можете не добиться успеха, но продолжайте попытки, и когда вы все-таки получите успешный перевод, вы будете действительно счастливы. Некоторые вещи, которые я хотел бы отметить, это то, что сначала проверьте и убедитесь, что карта, которую вы собираетесь использовать, действительна, я лично использую кошелек Yahoo для проверки копии, прежде чем я даже подумаю об ее использовании. Кроме того, чтобы получить услугу спуфинга для идентификатора вызывающего абонента / устройства смены голоса, я использую, а для услуги переадресации вызовов, которую я использую, является

метод чесание чесания западного соединения прочесывание WesternUnion куб.см чесания куб.см Cashout платежных системы платежных систем кардочесания западного соединение западного соединение чесать


Reaction score
Tools required for carding WU:

  1. Buy High Quality USA Fullz
  2. Purchase aged WU account to attach to.
  3. 911 vpn or socks 5

The first transfer will be for test. Click send money select the amount not more than $ 20. Send this amount to any name in USA. If everything is done correctly, the payment was successfully sent.
Then we send the payment to the country we need, our person or the exchange office. Send $ 200-500 no more.
After 24 hours you can try to send 1 more transaction. Do not delete the cookie. If the card works then everything will go well. In working with western union, a lot depends on the pure IP and quality CC. I recommend using USA FULLZ. Good luck in business! I'm sure you will succeed!

Cash from CC using Western Union
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Call fowarding service
This is something you will need because the phone spoofing service blocks 1800 numbers or any toll free phone number. You can only dial 10 digit numbers with phone spoofers so you have to get a call fowarding service so when you call the 10 digit number from the call forwarding service it will foward to western union.

Internet phone service
If you are located in europe this is a must because it will cost you too much to use the spoofer and call fowarding service and it is also not traceable. I personally use my pre-paid cell phone but i'm located in the USA.

After you have got that stuff all set up the first thing you need to do is make sure the call fowarding works and the spoofer works and comes up with whatever number you put in for the caller id. When you finally have that all set upand you have your background check all set up then you go to and make the transfer. After you make the transfer it will most likely say something to the affect "Transfer on hold, Please call Western Union to confirm" or something to that effect and you call them up with the caller id/spoofer and call fowarding service. n00b's to this may have some problems and might not be able to pull this off the first 10-15 times but you will get the hang of it like I did. I have done about 13 transfers and only had maybe 6 actually go though for pickup. Another thing you should get is a fake id because that will be the only way to link back to the fraudster in an investication. If you have a fake id and use itto pickup money you will most likely not get caught or it will be very hard to track you down.

Remember that you may not be successful your first few times but keep trying and when you do get a successful transfer you will be really happy. Some things I would like to point out is that first check and make sure the card your going to use is valid, I personally use yahoo wallet to verify the cc before I even think of using it. Also, to get spoofing service for caller id/voice changer I use and for the call fowarding service I use is

carding method carding western union carding westernunion cc carding cc cashout payment systems payment systems carding western union western union carding
Good read


Reaction score
Tools required for carding WU:

  1. Buy High Quality USA Fullz
  2. Purchase aged WU account to attach to.
  3. 911 vpn or socks 5

The first transfer will be for test. Click send money select the amount not more than $ 20. Send this amount to any name in USA. If everything is done correctly, the payment was successfully sent.
Then we send the payment to the country we need, our person or the exchange office. Send $ 200-500 no more.
After 24 hours you can try to send 1 more transaction. Do not delete the cookie. If the card works then everything will go well. In working with western union, a lot depends on the pure IP and quality CC. I recommend using USA FULLZ. Good luck in business! I'm sure you will succeed!

Cash from CC using Western Union
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Call fowarding service
This is something you will need because the phone spoofing service blocks 1800 numbers or any toll free phone number. You can only dial 10 digit numbers with phone spoofers so you have to get a call fowarding service so when you call the 10 digit number from the call forwarding service it will foward to western union.

Internet phone service
If you are located in europe this is a must because it will cost you too much to use the spoofer and call fowarding service and it is also not traceable. I personally use my pre-paid cell phone but i'm located in the USA.

After you have got that stuff all set up the first thing you need to do is make sure the call fowarding works and the spoofer works and comes up with whatever number you put in for the caller id. When you finally have that all set upand you have your background check all set up then you go to and make the transfer. After you make the transfer it will most likely say something to the affect "Transfer on hold, Please call Western Union to confirm" or something to that effect and you call them up with the caller id/spoofer and call fowarding service. n00b's to this may have some problems and might not be able to pull this off the first 10-15 times but you will get the hang of it like I did. I have done about 13 transfers and only had maybe 6 actually go though for pickup. Another thing you should get is a fake id because that will be the only way to link back to the fraudster in an investication. If you have a fake id and use itto pickup money you will most likely not get caught or it will be very hard to track you down.

Remember that you may not be successful your first few times but keep trying and when you do get a successful transfer you will be really happy. Some things I would like to point out is that first check and make sure the card your going to use is valid, I personally use yahoo wallet to verify the cc before I even think of using it. Also, to get spoofing service for caller id/voice changer I use and for the call fowarding service I use is

carding method carding western union carding westernunion cc carding cc cashout payment systems payment systems carding western union western union carding


Reaction score
Tools required for carding WU:

  1. Buy High Quality USA Fullz
  2. Purchase aged WU account to attach to.
  3. 911 vpn or socks 5

The first transfer will be for test. Click send money select the amount not more than $ 20. Send this amount to any name in USA. If everything is done correctly, the payment was successfully sent.
Then we send the payment to the country we need, our person or the exchange office. Send $ 200-500 no more.
After 24 hours you can try to send 1 more transaction. Do not delete the cookie. If the card works then everything will go well. In working with western union, a lot depends on the pure IP and quality CC. I recommend using USA FULLZ. Good luck in business! I'm sure you will succeed!

Cash from CC using Western Union
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Call fowarding service
This is something you will need because the phone spoofing service blocks 1800 numbers or any toll free phone number. You can only dial 10 digit numbers with phone spoofers so you have to get a call fowarding service so when you call the 10 digit number from the call forwarding service it will foward to western union.

Internet phone service
If you are located in europe this is a must because it will cost you too much to use the spoofer and call fowarding service and it is also not traceable. I personally use my pre-paid cell phone but i'm located in the USA.

After you have got that stuff all set up the first thing you need to do is make sure the call fowarding works and the spoofer works and comes up with whatever number you put in for the caller id. When you finally have that all set upand you have your background check all set up then you go to and make the transfer. After you make the transfer it will most likely say something to the affect "Transfer on hold, Please call Western Union to confirm" or something to that effect and you call them up with the caller id/spoofer and call fowarding service. n00b's to this may have some problems and might not be able to pull this off the first 10-15 times but you will get the hang of it like I did. I have done about 13 transfers and only had maybe 6 actually go though for pickup. Another thing you should get is a fake id because that will be the only way to link back to the fraudster in an investication. If you have a fake id and use itto pickup money you will most likely not get caught or it will be very hard to track you down.

Remember that you may not be successful your first few times but keep trying and when you do get a successful transfer you will be really happy. Some things I would like to point out is that first check and make sure the card your going to use is valid, I personally use yahoo wallet to verify the cc before I even think of using it. Also, to get spoofing service for caller id/voice changer I use and for the call fowarding service I use is

carding method carding western union carding westernunion cc carding cc cashout payment systems payment systems carding western union western union carding


Reaction score
Tools required for carding WU:

  1. Buy High Quality USA Fullz
  2. Purchase aged WU account to attach to.
  3. 911 vpn or socks 5

The first transfer will be for test. Click send money select the amount not more than $ 20. Send this amount to any name in USA. If everything is done correctly, the payment was successfully sent.
Then we send the payment to the country we need, our person or the exchange office. Send $ 200-500 no more.
After 24 hours you can try to send 1 more transaction. Do not delete the cookie. If the card works then everything will go well. In working with western union, a lot depends on the pure IP and quality CC. I recommend using USA FULLZ. Good luck in business! I'm sure you will succeed!

Cash from CC using Western Union
* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

Call fowarding service
This is something you will need because the phone spoofing service blocks 1800 numbers or any toll free phone number. You can only dial 10 digit numbers with phone spoofers so you have to get a call fowarding service so when you call the 10 digit number from the call forwarding service it will foward to western union.

Internet phone service
If you are located in europe this is a must because it will cost you too much to use the spoofer and call fowarding service and it is also not traceable. I personally use my pre-paid cell phone but i'm located in the USA.

After you have got that stuff all set up the first thing you need to do is make sure the call fowarding works and the spoofer works and comes up with whatever number you put in for the caller id. When you finally have that all set upand you have your background check all set up then you go to and make the transfer. After you make the transfer it will most likely say something to the affect "Transfer on hold, Please call Western Union to confirm" or something to that effect and you call them up with the caller id/spoofer and call fowarding service. n00b's to this may have some problems and might not be able to pull this off the first 10-15 times but you will get the hang of it like I did. I have done about 13 transfers and only had maybe 6 actually go though for pickup. Another thing you should get is a fake id because that will be the only way to link back to the fraudster in an investication. If you have a fake id and use itto pickup money you will most likely not get caught or it will be very hard to track you down.

Remember that you may not be successful your first few times but keep trying and when you do get a successful transfer you will be really happy. Some things I would like to point out is that first check and make sure the card your going to use is valid, I personally use yahoo wallet to verify the cc before I even think of using it. Also, to get spoofing service for caller id/voice changer I use and for the call fowarding service I use is

carding method carding western union carding westernunion cc carding cc cashout payment systems payment systems carding western union western union carding
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