News Hackers can redirect victims ' SMS messages to their phone number for as little as $16


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Some companies forward SMS messages to another number without requesting permission for this operation or even notifying the user.
A specialist of the Motherboard publication has discovered a dangerous problem, the operation of which allows attackers to secretly redirect SMS messages of victims to their number by purchasing the corresponding services from telecommunications companies.

As part of the attack, the criminals use text message management services for businesses to discreetly redirect text messages and gain access to any two-factor authorization codes or links in text messages.

Some companies forward SMS messages to another number without asking for permission for this operation, and without even notifying the user that their text messages are now being sent to someone else.

Researcher Joseph Cox (Joseph Cox) asked his friend an information security expert to attack his number and redirect SMS messages to another number. According to the expert, such an attack cost him only $16. Some companies that provide SMS forwarding services have confirmed to experts that they have already faced similar attacks.

Hackers have found many ways to use SMS and cellular systems to access other people's messages — SIM card spoofing and attacks on SS7 networks have been widely used for several years, and sometimes even used against high-ranking targets. SIM spoofing is fairly easy to detect as the phone disconnects from the cellular network, but with SMS redirection, it can take quite a long time before the user notices the attack, giving attackers the opportunity to compromise accounts.


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im surprised more people arent doing this? the FCC closed the patch with mobile phones but anyone whose has a landline this is stil possible and think about the acceess you can get into accounts. its huge and it can go on forever without the other party knowing unlike sim swapping which lasts 1-2 day at best


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Some companies forward SMS messages to another number without requesting permission for this operation or even notifying the user.
A specialist of the Motherboard publication has discovered a dangerous problem, the operation of which allows attackers to secretly redirect SMS messages of victims to their number by purchasing the corresponding services from telecommunications companies.

As part of the attack, the criminals use text message management services for businesses to discreetly redirect text messages and gain access to any two-factor authorization codes or links in text messages.

Some companies forward SMS messages to another number without asking for permission for this operation, and without even notifying the user that their text messages are now being sent to someone else.

Researcher Joseph Cox (Joseph Cox) asked his friend an information security expert to attack his number and redirect SMS messages to another number. According to the expert, such an attack cost him only $16. Some companies that provide SMS forwarding services have confirmed to experts that they have already faced similar attacks.

Hackers have found many ways to use SMS and cellular systems to access other people's messages — SIM card spoofing and attacks on SS7 networks have been widely used for several years, and sometimes even used against high-ranking targets. SIM spoofing is fairly easy to detect as the phone disconnects from the cellular network, but with SMS redirection, it can take quite a long time before the user notices the attack, giving attackers the opportunity to compromise accounts.
whats the tool called?


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Daži uzņēmumi pārsūta SMS ziņas uz citu numuru, neprasot atļauju šai darbībai vai pat nepaziņojot lietotājam.
Izdevuma Motherboard speciālists atklājis bīstamu problēmu, kuras darbība ļauj uzbrucējiem slepus pāradresēt cietušo SMS ziņas uz savu numuru, pērkot atbilstošos pakalpojumus no telekomunikāciju uzņēmumiem.

Uzbrukuma ietvaros noziedznieki izmanto īsziņu pārvaldības pakalpojumus uzņēmumiem, lai diskrēti pāradresētu īsziņas un piekļūtu jebkuriem divu faktoru autorizācijas kodiem vai saitēm īsziņās.

Daži uzņēmumi pārsūta SMS ziņas uz citu numuru, neprasot atļauju šai darbībai un pat nepaziņojot lietotājam, ka viņu īsziņas tagad tiek sūtītas kādam citam.

Pētnieks Džozefs Kokss (Džozefs Kokss) lūdza savam draugam informācijas drošības ekspertam uzbrukt viņa numuram un pāradresēt SMS ziņas uz citu numuru. Pēc eksperta domām, šāds uzbrukums viņam izmaksājis tikai 16 dolārus. Daži uzņēmumi, kas sniedz SMS pāradresācijas pakalpojumus, ekspertiem apstiprinājuši, ka jau ir saskārušies ar līdzīgiem uzbrukumiem.

Hakeri ir atraduši daudzus veidus, kā izmantot SMS un mobilās sistēmas, lai piekļūtu citu cilvēku ziņām — SIM karšu viltošana un uzbrukumi SS7 tīkliem ir plaši izmantoti jau vairākus gadus un dažreiz pat izmantoti pret augsta ranga mērķiem. SIM kartes viltošanu ir diezgan viegli noteikt, tālrunim atvienojot mobilo tīklu, taču, izmantojot SMS pāradresāciju, var paiet diezgan ilgs laiks, līdz lietotājs pamana uzbrukumu, tādējādi uzbrucējiem dodot iespēju apdraudēt kontus.
Hi bro whatis the tool for this think
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