News The UK is building up the potential for attacks in cyberspace


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Prime Minister Johnson noted that the importance of cyber capabilities is comparable to how important it was to have combat aircraft a hundred years ago.

The UK will increase its capacity in cyberspace to counter potential adversaries. This is stated in a statement by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, released on the eve of the publication of the review on the national security strategy.

Johnson noted that the importance of cyber capabilities is comparable to how important it was to have combat aircraft a hundred years ago.

"Information technology is bringing about the same revolutionary changes in our way of life and the way we conduct war as the advent of aviation 100 years ago. We must increase our capabilities in cyberspace… Our new comprehensive approach to cyberspace will enhance our defence capabilities, as well as help advance our interests around the world and improve the lives of Britons, " Johnson said.

According to Johnson's plans, a permanent base of National Cyber Forces (NCW) will be established in northern England. According to media reports, it is also planned to reduce the number of personnel of the armed forces by 12.5 thousand people, up to 70 thousand units of personnel.

Johnson will report in more detail on the fight against threats in cyberspace next week. The Prime Minister of Great Britain intends to do this during the presentation of a comprehensive review of the issues of defense and foreign policy of the United Kingdom.
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