Bank Carding Bank Drops Tutorial | Part 1


Reaction score
Now that you have learned how to find the perfect IP address and source a high credit score fullz or EIN fullz, I am excited to teach you how to build, maintain and utilize a strong bank drop. I can't lie, when I first started learning how to open bank drops I thought it was the most difficult and sometimes frustrating thing in the world. I did not have the organizational skills that I've taught you above and a lot of times I'd be using a shitty SOCKS5 that would fail me and drop connection in the middle of the opening process. What a terrible time! As I practiced more and more, I developed a process and learned many things that makes this process go as smooth as a baby's ass. By the end of this section, you'll be a true BankPredator too.

Bank drops are usually at the core of any worthwhile fraud operation so it is important that you make a STRONG bank drop that is going to last you a long time so you can make a lot of money. There are many factors that come in to play when opening a bank drop that I am going to cover in this part of training.
By the end of this portion you are going to be able to open a bank drop that will stay open for a long time and be available any time you need it, as long as you treat it right.

So where do we start? We start by preparing with the 4 steps laid out below.

STEP 1 - Make sure that all of your information about your fullz is organized and easily accessible. I CANNOT emphasize this enough. Do not even think about starting to open a bank drop without this stuff being ready. So open up your "fullz" text document, background check, credit reports and "account info" sheet.
I always make sure to read over all of the information about my fullz before I start the process, that way I am familiar with the fullz. Pay close attention to the credit
report. If you see that they already have a Bank of America account, guess what!
You aren't going to have much luck opening a bank drop with them. Same goes for Suntrust, Citi, Capital One, etc. So be sure to check that out before deciding which bank you'd like to open an account with. My personal favorite bank accounts to work with are FifthThird Bank, TD Bank and Suntrust. They are easy to open and will stay open for a long time if you follow my instructions exactly.
Plus, the give you online access right away.

STEP 2 - Make sure that you have an IP address that is in the same state as the fullz home address, preferably within 80 miles. ALWAYS base this decision off of the fullz latest billing address on their credit report. This is the address that the bank will want to see when you open the bank account. If you don't use this address, you are at risk of having an earlier closure of your bank drop. Don't
worry I'll teach you how to make sure that your fullz doesn't get any mail from the bank when using their real address :D
You can use either a hacked RDP or SSH like I've taught you, just make your decision based on your needs.
When signing on to your RDP/SSH, make sure that your systems time zone is correct and reflecting your fullz time zone. Also, double check your system is set to the right language.. ENGLISH-US.
Be sure to note any information about the RDP/SSH you're using on the "account info" sheet for later use.

- Make sure that you have an email address and a Google Voice number ready to use. I usually buy these from a vendor called Antonsen on AlphaBay. Ibuy his $5 high quality Google Voice listing since they last forever and are on autofill almost always. You can go use the Gmail address that is associated with the Google Voice account when opening your bank drop. So go ahead and log in to the Gmail account and make sure that the log in information is working properly and that the Google Voice number is the same as what you were given when you bought the account. You want to make sure all this information is correct BEFORE opening the bank drop. If you don't, you risk wasting all of your hard work up until this point.
Also, note all of your Gmail/Google Voice info on the "account info" sheet I've provided.

STEP 4 - Now that you have all of your information ready and accessible, you're logged in to your RDP/IP, you're logged in to your email/Google Voice, you can take your pick of what bank drop you want to open. In this training, I will cover the opening process of the three bank drops that I work with most exclusively (FifthThird, TD Bank and Suntrust). I choose these banks because they are
strong brick and mortar banks and I pretty much get the account opened about 99% of the time with immediate online access. Banks like Bank of America, Citi, PNC, etc. all require a mail drop in order to open properly so I don't mess with those. A lot of fraudsters don't have this luxury, especially if they are not in the US, so I'm going to show you how to open the banks that don't require this extra step.
Now that you have made the pre-opening preparations, I will walk you through the opening process for each of these three banks and how to set your new bank
drop on paperless statements and notices to increase your chances of keeping your accounts alive for a LONG time.


And there you have it! You have now succesfully opened a Suntrust Checking
(and Savings) account. Later I will show you how to do the initial deposit!
Now I will show you how I open TD Bank Checking accounts!


Reaction score
Now that you have learned how to find the perfect IP address and source a high credit score fullz or EIN fullz, I am excited to teach you how to build, maintain and utilize a strong bank drop. I can't lie, when I first started learning how to open bank drops I thought it was the most difficult and sometimes frustrating thing in the world. I did not have the organizational skills that I've taught you above and a lot of times I'd be using a shitty SOCKS5 that would fail me and drop connection in the middle of the opening process. What a terrible time! As I practiced more and more, I developed a process and learned many things that makes this process go as smooth as a baby's ass. By the end of this section, you'll be a true BankPredator too.

Bank drops are usually at the core of any worthwhile fraud operation so it is important that you make a STRONG bank drop that is going to last you a long time so you can make a lot of money. There are many factors that come in to play when opening a bank drop that I am going to cover in this part of training.
By the end of this portion you are going to be able to open a bank drop that will stay open for a long time and be available any time you need it, as long as you treat it right.

So where do we start? We start by preparing with the 4 steps laid out below.

STEP 1 - Make sure that all of your information about your fullz is organized and easily accessible. I CANNOT emphasize this enough. Do not even think about starting to open a bank drop without this stuff being ready. So open up your "fullz" text document, background check, credit reports and "account info" sheet.
I always make sure to read over all of the information about my fullz before I start the process, that way I am familiar with the fullz. Pay close attention to the credit
report. If you see that they already have a Bank of America account, guess what!
You aren't going to have much luck opening a bank drop with them. Same goes for Suntrust, Citi, Capital One, etc. So be sure to check that out before deciding which bank you'd like to open an account with. My personal favorite bank accounts to work with are FifthThird Bank, TD Bank and Suntrust. They are easy to open and will stay open for a long time if you follow my instructions exactly.
Plus, the give you online access right away.

STEP 2 - Make sure that you have an IP address that is in the same state as the fullz home address, preferably within 80 miles. ALWAYS base this decision off of the fullz latest billing address on their credit report. This is the address that the bank will want to see when you open the bank account. If you don't use this address, you are at risk of having an earlier closure of your bank drop. Don't
worry I'll teach you how to make sure that your fullz doesn't get any mail from the bank when using their real address :D
You can use either a hacked RDP or SSH like I've taught you, just make your decision based on your needs.
When signing on to your RDP/SSH, make sure that your systems time zone is correct and reflecting your fullz time zone. Also, double check your system is set to the right language.. ENGLISH-US.
Be sure to note any information about the RDP/SSH you're using on the "account info" sheet for later use.

STEP 3 - Make sure that you have an email address and a Google Voice number ready to use. I usually buy these from a vendor called Antonsen on AlphaBay. Ibuy his $5 high quality Google Voice listing since they last forever and are on autofill almost always. You can go use the Gmail address that is associated with the Google Voice account when opening your bank drop. So go ahead and log in to the Gmail account and make sure that the log in information is working properly and that the Google Voice number is the same as what you were given when you bought the account. You want to make sure all this information is correct BEFORE opening the bank drop. If you don't, you risk wasting all of your hard work up until this point.
Also, note all of your Gmail/Google Voice info on the "account info" sheet I've provided.

STEP 4 - Now that you have all of your information ready and accessible, you're logged in to your RDP/IP, you're logged in to your email/Google Voice, you can take your pick of what bank drop you want to open. In this training, I will cover the opening process of the three bank drops that I work with most exclusively (FifthThird, TD Bank and Suntrust). I choose these banks because they are
strong brick and mortar banks and I pretty much get the account opened about 99% of the time with immediate online access. Banks like Bank of America, Citi, PNC, etc. all require a mail drop in order to open properly so I don't mess with those. A lot of fraudsters don't have this luxury, especially if they are not in the US, so I'm going to show you how to open the banks that don't require this extra step.
Now that you have made the pre-opening preparations, I will walk you through the opening process for each of these three banks and how to set your new bank
drop on paperless statements and notices to increase your chances of keeping your accounts alive for a LONG time.

* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

And there you have it! You have now succesfully opened a Suntrust Checking
(and Savings) account. Later I will show you how to do the initial deposit!
Now I will show you how I open TD Bank Checking accounts!


Reaction score
Now that you have learned how to find the perfect IP address and source a high credit score fullz or EIN fullz, I am excited to teach you how to build, maintain and utilize a strong bank drop. I can't lie, when I first started learning how to open bank drops I thought it was the most difficult and sometimes frustrating thing in the world. I did not have the organizational skills that I've taught you above and a lot of times I'd be using a shitty SOCKS5 that would fail me and drop connection in the middle of the opening process. What a terrible time! As I practiced more and more, I developed a process and learned many things that makes this process go as smooth as a baby's ass. By the end of this section, you'll be a true BankPredator too.

Bank drops are usually at the core of any worthwhile fraud operation so it is important that you make a STRONG bank drop that is going to last you a long time so you can make a lot of money. There are many factors that come in to play when opening a bank drop that I am going to cover in this part of training.
By the end of this portion you are going to be able to open a bank drop that will stay open for a long time and be available any time you need it, as long as you treat it right.

So where do we start? We start by preparing with the 4 steps laid out below.

STEP 1 - Make sure that all of your information about your fullz is organized and easily accessible. I CANNOT emphasize this enough. Do not even think about starting to open a bank drop without this stuff being ready. So open up your "fullz" text document, background check, credit reports and "account info" sheet.
I always make sure to read over all of the information about my fullz before I start the process, that way I am familiar with the fullz. Pay close attention to the credit
report. If you see that they already have a Bank of America account, guess what!
You aren't going to have much luck opening a bank drop with them. Same goes for Suntrust, Citi, Capital One, etc. So be sure to check that out before deciding which bank you'd like to open an account with. My personal favorite bank accounts to work with are FifthThird Bank, TD Bank and Suntrust. They are easy to open and will stay open for a long time if you follow my instructions exactly.
Plus, the give you online access right away.

STEP 2 - Make sure that you have an IP address that is in the same state as the fullz home address, preferably within 80 miles. ALWAYS base this decision off of the fullz latest billing address on their credit report. This is the address that the bank will want to see when you open the bank account. If you don't use this address, you are at risk of having an earlier closure of your bank drop. Don't
worry I'll teach you how to make sure that your fullz doesn't get any mail from the bank when using their real address :D
You can use either a hacked RDP or SSH like I've taught you, just make your decision based on your needs.
When signing on to your RDP/SSH, make sure that your systems time zone is correct and reflecting your fullz time zone. Also, double check your system is set to the right language.. ENGLISH-US.
Be sure to note any information about the RDP/SSH you're using on the "account info" sheet for later use.

STEP 3 - Make sure that you have an email address and a Google Voice number ready to use. I usually buy these from a vendor called Antonsen on AlphaBay. Ibuy his $5 high quality Google Voice listing since they last forever and are on autofill almost always. You can go use the Gmail address that is associated with the Google Voice account when opening your bank drop. So go ahead and log in to the Gmail account and make sure that the log in information is working properly and that the Google Voice number is the same as what you were given when you bought the account. You want to make sure all this information is correct BEFORE opening the bank drop. If you don't, you risk wasting all of your hard work up until this point.
Also, note all of your Gmail/Google Voice info on the "account info" sheet I've provided.

STEP 4 - Now that you have all of your information ready and accessible, you're logged in to your RDP/IP, you're logged in to your email/Google Voice, you can take your pick of what bank drop you want to open. In this training, I will cover the opening process of the three bank drops that I work with most exclusively (FifthThird, TD Bank and Suntrust). I choose these banks because they are
strong brick and mortar banks and I pretty much get the account opened about 99% of the time with immediate online access. Banks like Bank of America, Citi, PNC, etc. all require a mail drop in order to open properly so I don't mess with those. A lot of fraudsters don't have this luxury, especially if they are not in the US, so I'm going to show you how to open the banks that don't require this extra step.
Now that you have made the pre-opening preparations, I will walk you through the opening process for each of these three banks and how to set your new bank
drop on paperless statements and notices to increase your chances of keeping your accounts alive for a LONG time.

* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

And there you have it! You have now succesfully opened a Suntrust Checking
(and Savings) account. Later I will show you how to do the initial deposit!
Now I will show you how I open TD Bank Checking accounts!
thank u for the info bro


Reaction score
Now that you have learned how to find the perfect IP address and source a high credit score fullz or EIN fullz, I am excited to teach you how to build, maintain and utilize a strong bank drop. I can't lie, when I first started learning how to open bank drops I thought it was the most difficult and sometimes frustrating thing in the world. I did not have the organizational skills that I've taught you above and a lot of times I'd be using a shitty SOCKS5 that would fail me and drop connection in the middle of the opening process. What a terrible time! As I practiced more and more, I developed a process and learned many things that makes this process go as smooth as a baby's ass. By the end of this section, you'll be a true BankPredator too.

Bank drops are usually at the core of any worthwhile fraud operation so it is important that you make a STRONG bank drop that is going to last you a long time so you can make a lot of money. There are many factors that come in to play when opening a bank drop that I am going to cover in this part of training.
By the end of this portion you are going to be able to open a bank drop that will stay open for a long time and be available any time you need it, as long as you treat it right.

So where do we start? We start by preparing with the 4 steps laid out below.

STEP 1 - Make sure that all of your information about your fullz is organized and easily accessible. I CANNOT emphasize this enough. Do not even think about starting to open a bank drop without this stuff being ready. So open up your "fullz" text document, background check, credit reports and "account info" sheet.
I always make sure to read over all of the information about my fullz before I start the process, that way I am familiar with the fullz. Pay close attention to the credit
report. If you see that they already have a Bank of America account, guess what!
You aren't going to have much luck opening a bank drop with them. Same goes for Suntrust, Citi, Capital One, etc. So be sure to check that out before deciding which bank you'd like to open an account with. My personal favorite bank accounts to work with are FifthThird Bank, TD Bank and Suntrust. They are easy to open and will stay open for a long time if you follow my instructions exactly.
Plus, the give you online access right away.

STEP 2 - Make sure that you have an IP address that is in the same state as the fullz home address, preferably within 80 miles. ALWAYS base this decision off of the fullz latest billing address on their credit report. This is the address that the bank will want to see when you open the bank account. If you don't use this address, you are at risk of having an earlier closure of your bank drop. Don't
worry I'll teach you how to make sure that your fullz doesn't get any mail from the bank when using their real address :D
You can use either a hacked RDP or SSH like I've taught you, just make your decision based on your needs.
When signing on to your RDP/SSH, make sure that your systems time zone is correct and reflecting your fullz time zone. Also, double check your system is set to the right language.. ENGLISH-US.
Be sure to note any information about the RDP/SSH you're using on the "account info" sheet for later use.

STEP 3 - Make sure that you have an email address and a Google Voice number ready to use. I usually buy these from a vendor called Antonsen on AlphaBay. Ibuy his $5 high quality Google Voice listing since they last forever and are on autofill almost always. You can go use the Gmail address that is associated with the Google Voice account when opening your bank drop. So go ahead and log in to the Gmail account and make sure that the log in information is working properly and that the Google Voice number is the same as what you were given when you bought the account. You want to make sure all this information is correct BEFORE opening the bank drop. If you don't, you risk wasting all of your hard work up until this point.
Also, note all of your Gmail/Google Voice info on the "account info" sheet I've provided.

STEP 4 - Now that you have all of your information ready and accessible, you're logged in to your RDP/IP, you're logged in to your email/Google Voice, you can take your pick of what bank drop you want to open. In this training, I will cover the opening process of the three bank drops that I work with most exclusively (FifthThird, TD Bank and Suntrust). I choose these banks because they are
strong brick and mortar banks and I pretty much get the account opened about 99% of the time with immediate online access. Banks like Bank of America, Citi, PNC, etc. all require a mail drop in order to open properly so I don't mess with those. A lot of fraudsters don't have this luxury, especially if they are not in the US, so I'm going to show you how to open the banks that don't require this extra step.
Now that you have made the pre-opening preparations, I will walk you through the opening process for each of these three banks and how to set your new bank
drop on paperless statements and notices to increase your chances of keeping your accounts alive for a LONG time.

* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

And there you have it! You have now succesfully opened a Suntrust Checking
(and Savings) account. Later I will show you how to do the initial deposit!
Now I will show you how I open TD Bank Checking accounts!


Reaction score
Now that you have learned how to find the perfect IP address and source a high credit score fullz or EIN fullz, I am excited to teach you how to build, maintain and utilize a strong bank drop. I can't lie, when I first started learning how to open bank drops I thought it was the most difficult and sometimes frustrating thing in the world. I did not have the organizational skills that I've taught you above and a lot of times I'd be using a shitty SOCKS5 that would fail me and drop connection in the middle of the opening process. What a terrible time! As I practiced more and more, I developed a process and learned many things that makes this process go as smooth as a baby's ass. By the end of this section, you'll be a true BankPredator too.

Bank drops are usually at the core of any worthwhile fraud operation so it is important that you make a STRONG bank drop that is going to last you a long time so you can make a lot of money. There are many factors that come in to play when opening a bank drop that I am going to cover in this part of training.
By the end of this portion you are going to be able to open a bank drop that will stay open for a long time and be available any time you need it, as long as you treat it right.

So where do we start? We start by preparing with the 4 steps laid out below.

STEP 1 - Make sure that all of your information about your fullz is organized and easily accessible. I CANNOT emphasize this enough. Do not even think about starting to open a bank drop without this stuff being ready. So open up your "fullz" text document, background check, credit reports and "account info" sheet.
I always make sure to read over all of the information about my fullz before I start the process, that way I am familiar with the fullz. Pay close attention to the credit
report. If you see that they already have a Bank of America account, guess what!
You aren't going to have much luck opening a bank drop with them. Same goes for Suntrust, Citi, Capital One, etc. So be sure to check that out before deciding which bank you'd like to open an account with. My personal favorite bank accounts to work with are FifthThird Bank, TD Bank and Suntrust. They are easy to open and will stay open for a long time if you follow my instructions exactly.
Plus, the give you online access right away.

STEP 2 - Make sure that you have an IP address that is in the same state as the fullz home address, preferably within 80 miles. ALWAYS base this decision off of the fullz latest billing address on their credit report. This is the address that the bank will want to see when you open the bank account. If you don't use this address, you are at risk of having an earlier closure of your bank drop. Don't
worry I'll teach you how to make sure that your fullz doesn't get any mail from the bank when using their real address :D
You can use either a hacked RDP or SSH like I've taught you, just make your decision based on your needs.
When signing on to your RDP/SSH, make sure that your systems time zone is correct and reflecting your fullz time zone. Also, double check your system is set to the right language.. ENGLISH-US.
Be sure to note any information about the RDP/SSH you're using on the "account info" sheet for later use.

STEP 3 - Make sure that you have an email address and a Google Voice number ready to use. I usually buy these from a vendor called Antonsen on AlphaBay. Ibuy his $5 high quality Google Voice listing since they last forever and are on autofill almost always. You can go use the Gmail address that is associated with the Google Voice account when opening your bank drop. So go ahead and log in to the Gmail account and make sure that the log in information is working properly and that the Google Voice number is the same as what you were given when you bought the account. You want to make sure all this information is correct BEFORE opening the bank drop. If you don't, you risk wasting all of your hard work up until this point.
Also, note all of your Gmail/Google Voice info on the "account info" sheet I've provided.

STEP 4 - Now that you have all of your information ready and accessible, you're logged in to your RDP/IP, you're logged in to your email/Google Voice, you can take your pick of what bank drop you want to open. In this training, I will cover the opening process of the three bank drops that I work with most exclusively (FifthThird, TD Bank and Suntrust). I choose these banks because they are
strong brick and mortar banks and I pretty much get the account opened about 99% of the time with immediate online access. Banks like Bank of America, Citi, PNC, etc. all require a mail drop in order to open properly so I don't mess with those. A lot of fraudsters don't have this luxury, especially if they are not in the US, so I'm going to show you how to open the banks that don't require this extra step.
Now that you have made the pre-opening preparations, I will walk you through the opening process for each of these three banks and how to set your new bank
drop on paperless statements and notices to increase your chances of keeping your accounts alive for a LONG time.

* Hidden text: cannot be quoted. *

And there you have it! You have now succesfully opened a Suntrust Checking
(and Savings) account. Later I will show you how to do the initial deposit!
Now I will show you how I open TD Bank Checking accounts!
šŸ”„ fire šŸ”„
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