hack news 2021

  1. Otto

    News Manufacturer of spy tools for the police declared bankrupt

    The history of eSurv is a vivid example of how the business of selling spyware can go "on a curve". In 2019, SecurityLab reported on the Italian spyware manufacturer eSurv, which infected at least 1 thousand Google Play users with malicious applications. Although the company sold its products...
  2. Dorblue

    News Babyk operators are ready to attack charities that help BLM and LGBT people

    The criminals have published a list of organizations that they do not intend to attack, including hospitals, schools, small businesses, etc. The operators of the ransomware Babyk (also known as Babuk) have created their own data leak site to publish the stolen data of victims as part of a...
  3. Jaysu

    News Hackers who hacked SolarWinds gained access to the internal email of Malwarebytes

    Hackers used applications with privileged access to Microsoft Office 365 and Azure environments. Security researchers from the information security firm Malwarebytes have confirmed that the cybercriminals responsible for the attack on the SolarWinds supply chain were able to access the...
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